Donald Sorah

Dr. Donald Sorah, Associate Professor of Music, teaches applied trumpet and horn, conducting, music technology, composition, and a variety of additional courses at The University of Virginia's College at Wise (UVA Wise).
As a composer, he has written and recorded works for piano, organ, chamber ensembles, wind ensemble, and string orchestra. Diversions for brass quintet was performed at the Midwest Clinic in 2007. Compositions for wind symphony have been performed by The University of Louisville Symphonic Band (KY), Nicholls State University Symphonic Band (LA), Dordt University Wind Ensemble (IA), and Madison Concert Band (KY), among others. Orchestral works have been performed by the Symphony of the Mountains (TN). One of his recent works for wind ensemble, The Trestle Tree, was the centerpiece of The Trestle Tree Project, a fundraiser that raised more than $5,000 to support school bands and victims of the June 2022 flooding in southeastern Kentucky. To Be Determined for bass clarinet and cello was recently premiered and recorded by the two-time Grammy-nominated duo Dave Eggar and Tasha Warren.
Prior to teaching at the college level, Dr. Sorah taught for seven years at J.J. Kelly High School and L.F. Addington Middle School in Wise, Virginia where his bands received superior ratings in both concert and marching festivals throughout the southeast. He remains active as guest conductor, clinician, adjudicator, and lecturer throughout the region and internationally. As Associate Director of the Spirit of America National Honor Band, Dr. Sorah conducted and performed as trumpet soloist throughout Europe. He is a founding member of the the Guayaquil (Ecuador) Summer Music Academy where he performed, lectured, and taught applied trumpet. Additional recent teaching and research engagements have taken him to Santiago, Chile and Seville and Huelva in Spain.
Dr. Sorah is a member of the trumpet sections for the Symphony of the Mountains (Kingsport, TN) and the Johnson City Symphony (TN). In 2006, he founded the Winds of the Mountain Empire, a professional regional wind ensemble comprised primarily of music educators. His leadership with Winds of the Mountain Empire has resulted in multiple premieres and commissions.
Dr. Sorah holds the Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Music Education from The Florida State University, as well as a Master of Music in Trumpet Performance and a Bachelor of Music Education degrees from Morehead State University (KY). He is a member of the International Trumpet Guild, Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia, and Pi Kappa Lambda. He resides in Wise, Virginia with his wife Kelly, son Brennan, and dog Roamer.